Lucas Zuege's Blog

Hello! My name is Lucas Zuege and welcome to my blog! On this page, you can learn a little about me and what you can expect to find on this blog!

During the day, I work in the Information Technology space as a User Environment Platform Engineer. Though my title is a bit vague, my main duties fall under the role of being a Microsoft 365 Administrator.

I have been working in IT since 2018, and look forward to the many years I plan to be here.

Outside of work, I am a blogger, gamer, and tech experimenter.

My Interests and Hobbies


For as long as I can remember, I have been a PC gamer. For the most part, my life has been dedicated to the MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) genre of games, while dabling in sim racing and single player Japanese Role-Playing Games.

So, if I am not writing for this blog or working, I am most likely gaming!

Tech Tinkering

When I am not gaming, I am tinkering with technology. Whether that be messing around with my raspberry pi, spinning up some virtual machines to test things, or just enjoy researching tech related things.


Every morning, before I start the day, I usually read for half-an-hour. My reading list is not limited to fiction or non-fiction, and it is definitely not limited to a specific genre. I just read what I find enjoyable at the time. Currently, I am reading the Wolf & Parchment series by Isuna Hasekura. It is the side-series to the Spice & Wolf light novels.


I enjoy watching Anime. My current all-time favorite Anime is Spice and Wolf. I am currently enjoying a good number of anime's from the current season.


I have been bowling for quite a few years now. However, due to an injury too my right hand, I started bowling using the two-handed style at the end of 2021.

With this, my love for bowling has increased dramatically, and I have been spending quite a bit of time practicing this past year.


I love playing the Japanese variation of Mahjong, or Riichi Mahjong as it is called. Been playing it for over eight years now, and am currently thinking about starting up another Mahjong club in my local area.

This Blog

What is it?

This is my personal blog. I will use this website to talk about anything that comes to my mind that I deem worthy of writing a post about.