Lucas Zuege's Blog

December is always a fun month

The end of the year is here, and with it, I now have to use up all the vacation time that I neglect to use throughout the year.

You see, my first Full-Time job was working as a Table Games dealer for a casino. I worked there for five years, and those five years were rather vacationless.

From lack of dealers to management being a bunch of @#$%#$@^, it was nearly impossible to get approved for vacation time.

Working at the casino, I ended up getting used to not having vacation or holidays off.

So, when I started working at my current company, it was a shock finding out that I got vacation time that I could actually use, and that I didn't have to work holidays (unless an urgent issue arose).

Because of my conditioning to not use vacation, for the last four years that I have been with the company, I always ended up keeping my vacation time until the end of the year.

Since vacation time disappears at the end of the year with no compensation, I need to use it up before the new year.

So, with that being said, I usually have a large portion of December blocked off for vacation.

This year is no different.

As it stands, I have off every Friday and Monday for the rest of the year, except for the last week where I took the full week off.

Can I get a heck yeah for three day work weeks and only working ten days in total for the month of December!?
