Lucas Zuege's Blog

Getting my first Yakuman in Riichi City!

I have finally done it! I finally won with my first Yakuman in Riichi City!

For those who do not know, a Yakuman is the highest scoring hand in Riichi Mahjong. You can of course get bigger hands, but at the point of a yakuman, you only increase your score by having an additional Yakuman in your hand, allowing you to get a Double or Triple Yakuman.

Well, I was finally able to get my first Yakuman in the game, it being a Suuankou or four concealed pon's (triplets).

The Hand…

It was the second hand in the south round. I started with a set of 6 of bamboo's and a pair of East's and 1 of characters.

Lucas Zuege's Blog

Honestly, it wasn't a hand I had much faith in. But, as the game went on, I slowly started to build up my hand.

Come turn 10, I wasn't quite sure what I was planning on going for. Was thinking that if I draw the 1 or 4 of dots, I would drop the 3 of bamboo.

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But, on Turn 11, I drew the 2 of bamboo's. At this point, I felt like I had to go for at least a Sanankou (three concealed pons/triplets).

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Then, on Turn 12, hot damn, I drew the three of characters. This hand is really forming well!

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And then turn 13 was the 3rd 1 of character leaving me at tenpai for a potential Suuankou, needing either a 2 of bamboo's or an East. Since it was a Yakuman chance, I decided not to Riichi. Being in the lead, at minimum, I would get a Sanankou, which is a 2 handpoint hand, and wouldn't be a bad win. It would keep me in first place, and I could play it safe until the end of the game and likely end up in 1st, or at worst, 2nd place.

But, then it happened. Turn 14, I drew the east, and bam!

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Suuankou baby!

Honestly, I am rather excited. I just wrote a blog post about being on a fairly long losing streak in the game, and within the last 3 games I ended up in 1st place twice, one of them being this Yakuman!

Man, Mahjong is definitely a great game. You will have your lows, but you will definitely get your highs as well!

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