Lucas Zuege's Blog

My struggle with starting this blog

Why would I spend time writing, when I could play more games?

Honestly, I ask myself this question, and similar questions, far too often.

Starting Tech&Life has been a struggle. I wonder why I spend the money to host it, and why I write for it.

But in the end, it has proven to be worth it.

My history with blogs

Starting a blog has always been a dream of mine. Well... at least the thought of creating a blog so that I didn't have to work anymore was a dream of mine.

In the past, I have had a handful of personal blogs and blogs that related to topics I enjoyed. The most recent being a Cloud Gaming blog that quickly turned into a Cloud Gaming News website.

However, like every other project I have started in the past, it quickly went from something that I enjoyed, into something I was trying to fast track into making money.

Ultimately, as you can probably guess, I ended up shutting the blog down. It wasn't making a profit, and it became an absolute drag to write for and maintain.

Since then, I avoided starting any additional blogs. I was afraid that I would end up falling in the same rabbit hole of wanting it to become a "thing."

Tech&Life is different

Tech&Life was going to be my next big "thing." I sat on the domain for a couple of months, thinking what I want to do with it.

Do I want to start a tech blog? A tech YouTube channel?

But then it hit me. I enjoy technology, and I wanted to write about things happening in my life.

Why not just create a personal blog?

After spending a month creating test blogs, I ended up going forward with fully launching a blog under the domain

However, Tech&Life is different. I am forcing myself to stick with it being a personal blog. I am forcing myself to avoid falling into the trap of turning it into a business. And, I am forcing myself not to include analytics on the blog.

All of these contributed to the loss of joy I had with writing on my previous blogs, and I definitely do not want to lose the joy of writing on Tech&Life.
