Lucas Zuege's Blog


I am back on Linux.

I realize that I have a serious problem when it comes to what operating system I use.

Ultimately, it came down to my ideals of using Windows. I was not able to feel comfortable with using an operating system that tracks my every move.

I decided to switch back to Linux, and with that I also decided to leave Fedora.

Moving to Arch

I realized something when I was looking into switching back to Linux. Fedora, though how great it is, added some limitations that caused some pain points in my usage of the operating system.

Although I used Nobara, which is a gaming focused version of Fedora, it still felt... off.

So, I decided to bite the bullet, and go with an Arch-based distro.

With that, I chose EndeavourOS.

Moving back to KDE

Another thing I changed when I switched back to Linux was the move back to KDE.

When I first found out about desktop Linux many years ago, KDE was my first desktop environment. I loved it.

However, when I took it upon myself to switch to Linux full time last year, I ended up going with Gnome, since it was the default for Fedora.

I realize now, that was a terrible mistake.

Gnome brought with it a few annoyances that just added up to what ultimately contributed to my move back to Windows.

With KDE, I am able to use my laptop exactly as I had it set up on Windows. Not so much the software, but the actual connections on my laptop.

On Windows, I was able to use my USB-C to DisplayPort port, and utilize a single cable to handle both my Display, as well as the USB hub.

This works wonderful on KDE, in both x11 and Wayland. However, it worked like garbage in Gnome, causing me to utilize an additional HDMI cable on my desk, and each time I needed to switch between my work laptop and my home laptop, I would need to move multiple cables between the two.

The Arch User Repository is a band-aid for package management

Lastly, switching to arch gives me the Arch User Repository. One of the main reasons I switched back to Windows was because of the number of different package distribution platforms. On Fedora, you had RPM, COPR, Flatpak, Snap, etc.

On Arch, I do have all of the same options, but the Arch User Repository is a lot more robust then Fedora's COPR. It also has a heck of a lot more packages. Better yet, since edge is a "bleeding edge" distro, everything I utilize is pretty much up to date, and I no longer need to rely on a flatpak to have the latest version of some of the software I use.

Since switching to arch, I have only utilized the standard arch packages and the arch user repository. I have yet to install flatpak or snap, and have not found the need too.

Will it stick?

Will I stay with arch? Ultimately, I have had a near painless experience since moving to arch. I look forward to utilizing the operating system, and I have not ran into the many roadblocks that I did with Fedora.

Yes, Arch is more for tech-savy people. But, the extensive guides online have allowed me to quickly fix the few issues that came up when setting up Endeavour.

I want to say that I will likely stick with Linux. But, with the number of times I switch between Operating systems, I am definitely not going to say that it is "for sure."

But, I can say that I am loving Arch a lot more than I was loving Fedora.
