Lucas Zuege's Blog

Using a New Theme

This blog has gone through a few variations in design since I started it nearly a year ago. Initially, it started as a Ghost blog utilizing the "Maktub" theme. The issue with this, is that I was paying $31 a month for a personal blog. Quite a bit of money if I'd say so myself.

In an attempt to cut costs, I downgraded my ghost hosting plan to their $11 a month pricing, and switched to using the official "Alto" theme. However, $11 a month was still a lot, and it being a personal blog, I wasn't really looking into using the newsletter features and publication features that Ghost is known for.

So, after a few more months on Ghost, I decided to bite the bullet, and switch to a Static Site Generator. In my case, it was Hugo. With that move, I moved from using Ghost's own hosting to utilizing Netlify's free plan. Making my personal blog completely free to run, and it honestly wasn't that bad.

Since the move to Hugo, I have learned quite a bit. I have even brushed up on some HTML and CSS to modify the multiple themes I have used. When I started using Hugo, my first theme was "Stack by Jimmy". Then I moved to the "Paper" theme in an effort to lower my website's footprint by using an extremely light/fast theme. From there, it was the "DoIt" theme, and today, I decided to make the move to the Hugo Blog Awesome theme. So far, I am loving it!

However, unlike my previous few themes that were packed full of features. This theme is fairly barebones. With that being said, I do want to add a few things to this theme that are currently not available, with search being one of the main things I am going to be working on first. So, with that being said, I hope you like the even more minimalistic look of my blog, and expect new features to be added over time!
